Tag Heuer
The event was a big success for us, and this was the first time we served food, and our clients really enjoyed both food and beverages. Everyone told me it was smooth as far as sharing the space in the back, and it seems like the taste and service was excellent and our staff and clients enjoyed our event that evening.
Louis Vuitton
The models did great. They were on time, and looked to specification. I think they would be great for future events.
Giorgio Armani
The event went really well, and both Travis and Jason were very professional and personal at the same time. It was a pleasure to work with them.
Great feedback from the team. Our clients really seemed to enjoy the server when she was in store.
I checked in with both teams and do want to let you know they both had great feedback to share regarding the servers. They really added to the ambiance in store and create more excitement around the opening.
Shutz Shoes
Tory Burch
This was my first time personally working with your staff, and I must say I was very impressed. The guys were very proactive and all had great attitudes. Throughout the night, I saw multiple situations where the staff took initiative and provided the best service they could. Very happy with everyone.